PoE TFT is still banning people – Path of Exile

It seems like you’re having a frustrating time with the trading platform and community interactions within Path of Exile (PoE). Situations where personal grievances potentially impact moderation decisions can definitely sour the experience. Here are a few steps you might consider moving forward:

  1. Document Your Interactions: Keep a record of all communications related to the issue, including screenshots and timestamps if possible. This documentation can be useful if disputes escalate or if you need to provide evidence of your claims.

  2. Seek Higher Escalation: If you feel that the initial mod response was not satisfactory, consider escalating the issue to higher authorities within the community or organization, if such an avenue exists. This might involve contacting more senior moderators or admins.

  3. Engage with the Community: Sometimes sharing your experiences publicly (as you have done with your PSA) can draw attention to practices that may need to be reviewed by the community or by those running the platform. It can also galvanize community support and lead to more transparent discussions about governance and moderation.

  4. Explore Alternatives: If the environment on the current trading platform continues to be toxic or unsatisfactory, it may be worth exploring other communities or platforms where trading is facilitated. Diversifying where you interact can also mitigate the impact of any one community’s issues on your gaming experience.

  5. Reflect on Engagement: Consider the tone and nature of your interactions. While it’s completely valid to feel frustrated or wronged, ensuring that your own communications are clear, respectful, and constructive can help in dealing with conflict and might prevent misunderstandings or escalation of hostility.

  6. Know Your Rights and Tools: Familiarize yourself with the tools at your disposal within the community, like blocking users who harass you or using privacy settings to control who can contact you. Also, review the community rules and guidelines to better understand your rights and the limits of what moderators can do.

These steps might not immediately resolve the situation but could help in managing or mitigating ongoing issues. It’s always good to remember that online interactions, while intense and real, should not detract significantly from your enjoyment and personal peace.

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