PoE Temporal Chains and Enfeeble 3.20

PoE 3.20: Enfeeble and Temporal Chains have been buffed.

Temporal Chains and Enfeeble

The current balance of Enfeeble and Temporal Chains makes them exceedingly strong against normal and magic monsters while being relatively ineffective against pinnacle bosses. For example, a level 20 Temporal Chains gem currently reduces a Pinnacle Boss’ action speed by just 4%. You can get more than twice as much action speed reduction using any skill that chills. This is another case of Hexes being weakest where they matter most and strongest where they matter least.

Because of the changes to Curse Effect, we’re now able to make Temporal Chains and Enfeeble strong defensive options without requiring large investment into Curse Effect. In addition to changes to their overall gem levels and scaling, we are also planning to increase the “Cursed Rare and Unique Enemies have x% less Action Speed” modifier on Temporal Chains as well as increasing the “Cursed Rare and Unique Enemies deal x% less Damage” modifier on Enfeeble.

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