PoE Strongbox Monsters Are Enraged Compass

Awakened Sextant 1 Strongbox Monsters are Enraged
Strongbox Monsters have 500% increased Item Quantity
Your Maps contain an additional Strongbox
3 uses remaining
map extra content weighting [0]
map strongbox monsters movement velocity +% [25]
hall_of_grandmasters 0
no_strongboxes 0
default 250
Elevated Sextant 1 Strongbox Monsters are Enraged
Strongbox Monsters have 600% increased Item Quantity
Your Maps contain an additional Strongbox
15 uses remaining
map extra content weighting [0]
map strongbox monsters movement velocity +% [30]
hall_of_grandmasters 0
no_strongboxes 0
default 250

PoE Strongbox Monsters Are Enraged map mods

There are several ways to interpret "poe Strongbox Monsters are Enraged" in Path of Exile, depending on what you’re looking for:

1. Enraged Strongbox Sextant:

This is a specific Sextant modifier applied to Voidstone altars in the Azurite Mine. It makes strongbox monsters in the affected map area "Enraged," giving them various buffs like increased damage, attack speed, and movement speed.

2. General Strongbox Mechanics:

Some unique strongboxes have built-in "Enraged" mechanics for their monsters. For example, the Arcanist Strongbox grants nearby monsters increased spell damage.

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