PoE Reapply Socket and Quality Currencies

In Path of Exile: Necropolis you can hold ctrl + left click or console equivalent to reapply socket and quality currencies.

If you’re the kind of player that uses a lot of socket altering currency to craft your items, this one’s for you!

When applying some currency items like Orbs of Fusing or Jeweller’s Orbs, you will now be able to constantly use those orbs without having to repeatedly click your mouse, or the equivalent on controller.

As long as you hold down control and left click, you will use orbs until you run out or until the goal is achieved.

Meaning that Jeweller’s Orbs can be held down on an item until it achieves maximum sockets, or Orb of Fusing can be held down until it achieves maximum links.

As the following example shown: Item already has the maximum number of Socket links.

PoE Item Already Has The Maximum Number of Sockets

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