PoE How To Find The Blighted Map Chests In Blighted Maps

Blighted Maps in Path of Exile offer a unique challenge with the potential for valuable rewards, including blight oils and unique items. Hidden amongst the chaos of the blight encounter are Blighted Map Chests, but finding them can be tricky. Here’s a guide to help you track them down:

Types of Blighted Map Chests:

  • Silver Chests: These are the most common and offer basic loot like currency and oils.
  • Gold Chests: Rarer than Silver Chests, they contain better loot, including rare oils and unique items.
  • Anointed Chests: Very rare, these chests are identified by a glowing symbol and offer the best loot, including high-tier oils and potential unique blight encounters.

Finding Blighted Map Chests:

  • Map Layout: Blighted Maps have a randomized layout, but chests generally appear in specific areas:
    • Dead ends: Look for seemingly blocked paths or corners that might have hidden passages.
    • Elevated platforms: Chests can be tucked away on platforms accessible through hidden pathways or switches.
    • Behind obstacles: Some chests might be hidden behind destructible objects like oil pumps or blight towers.
    • Completing objectives: Completing specific objectives like defending lanes or defeating bosses can sometimes spawn chests.

Clues and Indicators:

  • Visual Cues: Keep an eye out for shimmering particles or glowing effects, which might mark the location of a chest.
  • Sound Cues: Certain chests emit a distinct chime or hum sound, helping you pinpoint their location.
  • Monster Spawns: Some chests are guarded by unique monsters or spawn after defeating specific enemies.
  • Experience Gain: Opening a chest grants experience, so sudden experience pops can be a clue to their presence.

Additional Tips:

  • Use Flares: Throwing flares in suspicious areas can reveal hidden passages or chests.
  • Explore Thoroughly: Don’t rush through the map. Take your time and explore every corner, checking for secret paths and hidden areas.
  • Kill All Enemies: Certain chests might appear after defeating specific enemies, so clear the map thoroughly.
  • Utilize Support Gems: Consider using skills like "Cast when Damage Taken" linked to "Smoke Mine" to create escape routes for exploration.

Remember, finding Blighted Map Chests is a matter of chance and careful observation. Keep exploring, listen for clues, and don’t give up! You’ll be rewarded for your persistence with valuable loot and the satisfaction of uncovering the map’s secrets.

Additional Resources:

  • Path of Exile Wiki: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Blighted_map
  • Videos and Guides: Many content creators offer detailed guides and video tutorials on finding Blighted Map Chests. Searching online can be a helpful resource.

I hope this helps you track down those elusive Blighted Map Chests! Good luck and happy blighted mapping!

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