PoE Face The Ultimatum

PoE 3.24: The Face the Ultimatum Atlas Notable Passive now provides "Your Maps have +30% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter" (previously +15%), with the small Passives prior providing +12% chance (previously +5%).

Face The Ultimatum Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1Face The UltimatumNotable
  • Your Maps have +30% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter

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Face The Ultimatum Atlas notable

Added a new Ultimatum Cluster which contains the Face The Ultimatum Notable Passive. This Notable provides your maps with a +15% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter, while the 3 small Passives in this cluster each provide your maps with a +5% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter.

  • Your Maps have +15% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter

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