PoE Beginner’s Luck

49. Beginner’s Luck

Have a Unique Item drop in the Twilight Strand in Act 1.

  1. farm for portal scrolls in twilight strand.
  2. when you get portal scroll use it to transfer your culler+4 other guys into the instance before you reach (and consequently spawn) hillock.
  3. bring portal scrolls for the guy stuck in twilight strand. make sure to never get him into lioneye’s watch by walking through the portal or the entrance
  4. spawn hillock with all 6 players in instance and cull him with all 6 players near
  5. log off on the guy stuck in twilight strand and make everyone leave the instance
  6. watch when the portal disappears and that’s when the instance resets. until then you can run another alt or just simply wait 3 or so minutes
  7. return to step 2

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