PoE Area Contains Einhar, Exilehunter

Area contains Einhar, Exilehunter: An enemy version of Einhar appears in the map that can be killed. He uses physical projectile attacks that deal massive damage.

The "Area contains Einhar, Exilehunter" is a map modifier in Path of Exile that introduces a hostile version of Einhar, the normally friendly beast capture NPC. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

Einhar the Exilehunter:

  • Hostile Encounter: This modifier spawns an enemy Einhar within the map.
  • Physical Damage: He utilizes physical projectile attacks that can inflict significant damage.

Strategies for Facing Einhar:

  • High Defense: Prioritize fortifying your character's defenses, especially against physical damage. This includes stacking armor, fortify effects, and elemental resistances that indirectly mitigate physical damage.
  • Movement Skills: Utilize movement skills like Flame Dash or Leap Slam to dodge Einhar's attacks and reposition yourself strategically.
  • Damage Mitigation Flasks: Flasks that grant temporary invulnerability or increased defenses can be helpful for surviving bursts of damage from Einhar.
  • Teamwork: If playing in a party, coordinate your attacks to focus fire on Einhar and take him down quickly.

Additional Considerations:

  • Rarity and Difficulty: This modifier is generally considered more difficult and is typically found on higher rarity maps.
  • Potential Rewards: While defeating Einhar can be challenging, there's a chance he might drop valuable loot upon defeat.


The "Area contains Einhar, Exilehunter" modifier adds an exciting twist to maps, introducing a powerful enemy to contend with. By prioritizing defense, utilizing movement skills, and potentially coordinating with teammates, you can overcome this challenging foe and potentially reap the rewards of victory.

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