PoE All in a Day’s Work: Complete a Master’s Atlas Mission

All in a Day’s Work

Complete a Master’s Atlas Mission.

Masters must be encountered in the wild before they start appearing in various towns in Wraeclast.

Master Location Overview Rewards
Einhar, Beastmaster Act 2 Hunt beasts with Einhar; player must weaken yellow or red beasts to be captured by Einhar’s net Access to the Menagerie, Beastcrafting recipes and components, the Bestiary
Niko, Master of the Depths Act 4 Find caches of Voltaxic Sulphite in the area; Sulphite is used for delves in the Azurite Mine Access to the Mine Encampment, loot from Azurite Mines, including fossils and resonators
Alva, Master Explorer Act 7 Open incursions into the past; open doors and slay architects to improve the rewards in the Temple of Atzoatl Extra monster spawns in areas, loot from the Temple of Atzoatl, chance for special corruptions
Jun, Veiled Master Act 9 Dispatch members of the Immortal Syndicate; interrogate or negotiate with them to find its leader Veiled items and Scarabs, veiled mod crafting recipes, loot & crafting from safehouses
Commander Kirac Epilogue Choose a map and complete the task assigned to it Atlas completion, purchasable special maps and additional Extra Content encounters

Additionally, Sister Cassia and Tane Octavius are sometimes referred to as masters and have their own quests in maps. However, they are not part of the master mission system.

Atlas Missions

Once per day, when you log in, you will receive one Atlas mission for each master for the tier relative to the highest map tier you’ve completed in this League. Free Atlas missions refresh at midnight UTC.

Each time you complete a map, there is a 35% chance to receive an Atlas Mission for a random master. You can use Atlas Missions to guarantee a master to spawn in your next non-unique map. Your Atlas Mission counters are tracked for each set of map tier colours: white, yellow, and red; which one you receive is the same as the tier colour of the map you received it in.

Your accumulated number of Atlas Missions can be seen in the Atlas layout screen. There is no limit to how many Atlas Missions you can store. You can redeem an Atlas mission via the mission buttons in the map device interface or by speaking to a master then running the map from that screen.

Note that as only a single master can appear per map, using a master mission will prevent triggering other sources of master spawning, including the base 10% chance of triggering a random master per map. It is possible to slightly increase encountering a specific master by avoiding atlas missions for the other masters.

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