Palworld Pals Not Attacking Boss

There’s nothing more frustrating than your Pals refusing to attack a boss in Palworld, especially when victory is within reach. Here are some specific approaches you can try to get your team back in the fight:

Pre-Battle Preparation:

  • Pal Selection: Double-check your Pals’ skills and stats. Ensure they have appropriate attack types and resistances for the boss’s weaknesses and immunities.
  • Weapon Choice: Equip your Pals with weapons that deal effective damage against the boss. Consider weapon durability and repair them if needed.
  • Status Management: Make sure your Pals are well-rested, fed, and hydrated. Remove any negative status effects like poison or fear that might hinder their abilities.
  • Formations: Utilize formations like "V" or "Arrow" to optimize your Pals’ positioning and attacks against the boss.

During the Battle:

  • Target Selection: Manually target the boss using the right stick or the "Attack My Target" option in the action wheel. Check if your Pals are focusing on other enemies instead.
  • Obstruction Removal: Ensure no obstacles block your Pals’ path to the boss. Clear away furniture, fences, or terrain features that might hinder their movement.
  • Fear Management: If your Pals experience fear from the boss, use calming items or abilities to mitigate the effect and encourage them to attack.
  • Command Adjustments: Use the "Order" menu to adjust your Pals’ behavior dynamically. Consider "Aggressive" commands if they seem hesitant.

Xbox-Specific Tips:

  • Controller Check: Test with a different controller to rule out hardware issues impacting button presses.
  • Gamepad Settings: Verify your gamepad settings for any conflicts or incorrect button mappings that might interfere with attack commands.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Restart the Game: A simple restart can sometimes resolve temporary glitches.
  • Report the Issue: If none of these solutions work, consider reporting the issue to the Palworld developers with detailed information about the boss, your Pals, the actions you’ve tried, and your platform (Xbox). This helps them identify and address specific issues.

Additional Notes:

  • Some bosses might have special mechanics that restrict or influence your Pals’ behavior. Adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Observe your Pals in battle and identify weaknesses in their approach. Experiment with different setups and tactics to find what works best for each boss encounter.
  • Check online forums and communities for tips and strategies shared by other players who have faced similar boss challenges.

Remember, persistence and adaptation are key. By carefully preparing your Pals, adjusting your tactics during the fight, and reporting any persistent issues, you can overcome even the most challenging bosses in Palworld!

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