Palworld Gold Key Chest Locations

gold key chests in Palworld don’t have specific, fixed locations. However, you can increase your chances of finding them by following these suggestions:

1. Focus on farming Gold Keys:

  • Defeat Black Marketeers: These shady characters appear at random around the map and always drop a Gold Key upon defeat. They also provide a decent amount of gold, making them a good target for overall resource farming.
  • Target specific enemies: Some enemies have a higher chance of dropping Gold Keys, although the exact list and drop rates remain unclear. Explore online resources and communities for potential hot spots and enemy types.
  • Utilize glitches and exploits: This method is considered an exploit by some players and might get patched out, so use it at your own risk. Some glitches or exploits involve manipulating specific areas or enemy encounters to increase Gold Key drops. Research online sources with caution and remember the potential consequences.

2. Look for hints of where keys might spawn:

  • Glittering ground: While not confirmed, some players report seeing sparkly or shimmering effects on the ground where Gold Keys might be hidden. Keep an eye out for subtle visual cues.
  • Hidden corners and containers: Explore thoroughly, checking behind obstacles, inside abandoned buildings, and within hidden areas. Gold Keys might be tucked away in unexpected places.
  • Utilize your minimap: Occasionally, Gold Keys might show up as small golden dots on your minimap, similar to chests. Stay vigilant and explore any marked locations.

3. Expand your search range:

  • Targeted areas: While chests themselves have random locations, specific areas like the Land of Absolute Zero and Astral Mountains are rumored to have higher overall chest spawn rates. Focus your exploration efforts in these regions.
  • Different environments: Don’t limit yourself to one biome. Explore diverse areas like deserts, jungles, and abandoned cities, as Gold Keys can appear anywhere.
  • Regular expeditions: Make exploring and searching for keys a part of your routine gameplay, integrating it into your resource gathering or quest completion activities.

Remember: Persistence and a keen eye for detail are important. While there’s no guaranteed way to find gold key chests, implementing these tips and actively searching within suitable areas can significantly increase your chances of obtaining them and unlocking the valuable loot within.

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