MW3 South Woods (+ Creek) – Modern Warfare 3


As with its northern counterpart, the South Woods is an attractive environment for snipers and other long-ranged Loadouts. The devil is in the details, however, with some notable differences between the two areas.

Its southern tip provides great sightlines into the railway town, covering the street and the rooftops. Sharpshooters can land eliminations from here without needing to get into the fray. Some logging activity has reduced tree cover when moving through the woods, though the rough terrain gives Operators the ability to move in stealthily when needed.

The terrain naturally changes around the Creek, a valuable route that runs north alongside the Warehouse. Use the Creek’s lowered elevation to stay out of sight while approaching the next objective.

Snow blankets the forest surrounding a railway town and its facilities. At the center, a trainwreck has scattered railcars over the landscape. Use the following guide to take the lead on this large map and leave your enemies out cold in the woods.


A train derails just outside of a railway town, scarring the snowy landscape with displaced railcars. There’s no time to account for lost luggage, however, as snipers fan out across the woodlands and Operators take up position around the town and its storage facilities. The water may be frozen over, but it’s only a matter of time before the fighting gets hot.

Outplay the competition using this guide to dig into all of Derail’s locations, from the frozen woodlands to the heart of the crash site.


MW3 Derail Map areas


MW3 Derail Map hardpoints

domination flags

MW3 Derail Map domination flags

search & destroy sites

MW3 Derail Map search & destroy sites

spawn points

MW3 Derail Map spawn points

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