MW3 Dugout (+ North Trench, West Trench, South Trench) – Modern Warfare 3


All trenches lead to the central Dugout, a small underground crossroads with a few flimsy walls acting as the only obstacles within. Considering the lack of overhead cover provided outside, you can expect the Dugout to get busy when aerial streaks threaten from above, not to mention its usefulness in quickly traversing across the map.

Though highly dangerous, an Operator with quick aim and a close-quarters weapon can do a lot of damage here. Shotguns in particular reign supreme due to their extreme close-up power. With direct access to the outer trenches, you can furthermore quickly get into a position to eliminate approaching enemies from afar, making the Gunner and Commando Vests worthwhile for the ability to equip two primary weapons at once.

Battle across an abandoned Wasteland, where wide open fields encourage sniper battles all around, disrupted only by a small underground crossroads at the center.


Scan the horizon for the glint of sniper rifles; on Wasteland, long-ranged combat rules the day. Join in with the sharpshooters to practice your marksman skills or weave back and forth to throw off their aim as you move from cover to cover. If extreme close range is more your speed, try your luck in the Dugout, a tight underground crossroads where all trenches meet in the middle.

Whatever your approach, use this guide to excel on the medium-sized Multiplayer map and send the enemy packing.


MW3 Wasteland Map areas


MW3 Wasteland Map hardpoints

domination flags

MW3 Wasteland Map domination flags

search & destroy sites

MW3 Wasteland Map search & destroy sites

spawn points

MW3 Wasteland Map spawn points

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