MW3 Travis-Rilea Error Code - Modern Warfare 3

Much like many of the other connection errors that crop up in Modern Warfare 3, there’s usually no single way to fix it per se. Instead, we have a list of solutions that may help to alleviate the problem and get you playing Activision’s military shooter sooner rather than later.

  • First things first, it’s best to check the Modern Warfare 3 servers to see if it’s an issue on the server end. To do this, you can check Activision’s social channels, such as Call of Duty’s Official Twitter Account, Activision’s Support Twitter, or simply the game’s online support forum. Elsewhere, another good option is Down Detector, which closely analyses any possible outages for specific games, apps, or software.
  • This may sound like an obvious thing, but sometimes restarting your console or PC can help to resolve issues like these.
  • Next, checking that your internet’s NAT type is set to ‘open’ is also a way to alleviate connection issues like the Travis-Rilea error message.
  • Switching to a wired internet connection over a wireless one can make a big difference, as well.
  • Finally, we’ve heard that rebooting your internet router can also help to alleviate this connection issue.

With a little patience, you’ll hopefully get this specific connection error fixed in no time. Just so you know, this error was last reported on Nov. 11, 2022. Stay glued to the site for more info about errors and how to fix ’em.

So, there you have it. Hopefully, this helped to clue you in on how to fix the Travis-Rilea connection failed error in Modern Warfare 3.

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