PoE How to Change Ascendancy

In Path of Exile, changing your Ascendancy class involves a two-step process: refunding your points and selecting a new Ascendancy. Here's what you need to do:

1. Refund Your Ascendancy Points:

  • Navigate to the Labyrinth: You can enter any difficulty of the Labyrinth, the Normal Labyrinth being the quickest option.
  • Reach the Aspirant's Plaza: Run through the Labyrinth as usual and defeat Izaro at the end.
  • Interact with the Altar of Ascendancy: In the treasure room after Izaro, click on the large, glowing altar.
  • Refund your points: Click "Refund Ascendancy Points" and confirm the action. Each point costs 5 "Refund Points," so it can be expensive if you have many allocated.

2. Select a New Ascendancy:

  • Stay at the Altar of Ascendancy: After confirming the refund, you'll see a list of available Ascendancy classes for your base class.
  • Choose your new Ascendancy: Click on the Ascendancy you want and confirm your selection.
  • Allocate your points: You'll have all your previously unallocated points to spend on the new Ascendancy's skill tree.

Important notes:

  • You can change your Ascendancy as many times as you like, but remember the cost of Refund Points.
  • Consider planning your new Ascendancy build beforehand to avoid wasting points.
  • Resources like Path of Building or online build guides can help you plan your Ascendancy and character progression.

Additional Resources:

I hope this helps!

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How to Change Ascendancy

  • Refund all Ascendancy points.

Once you’ve chosen your Ascendancy, you can change it by returning to the Labyrinth, refunding any allocated Ascendancy points (Refunding an Ascendancy point costs five refund points each), and selecting a new class at the Altar of Ascendancy.

Refunding one Ascendancy skill point requires five regular refund points.

When all points are refunded, use the Altar of Ascendancy in the Labyrinth treasure room in any difficulty to select a new Ascendancy class.

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