Find Luda’s Cash Box – Flyff Universe

Find Luda’s Cash Box Quest

Description Recover Luda’s cash bow from the Red bang Thieves at the camp west of the Fountain of Dead Person.
Begin NPC Luda
End NPC Luda
Location Flarine
Level: 30~120
Complete Quest: Find Red Bang Thieves
Collect 1x Luda Safe
EXP: 30% for Lv. 30
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

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Begin I asked the witnesses with the evidence you have brought to me, and now it is clear they had stolen my cash box. Now the only thing I have to do is get the cash box back from them.
I am really sorry but please do me a favor once again? I really need to get that cash box back. I really need to get my girlfriend a present. You see…
it is our 100th day anniversary… She will be so upset if I don’t. Would you please get my cash box back from them? I will reward you.
Accept Thank you. Thank you very much. As I heard, one of them is keeping the cash box.
Decline You make me really disappointed. Whatever…
Complete You found it! Thank you so much! I’ll never forget this! Take this, it’s the least I can do.
Fail Where is my cash box? You have not found it yet. Please bring it to me. I will be waiting.

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