FC 24 Tactical Vision

Tactical Vision

Managers can be involved in all major club decisions, whether they implement changes themselves or make sure they’ve got the right staff around them to delegate to. The appointment of a new manager has the potential to completely transform a club and its football philosophy

We strive to allow you to put your stamp on the game, to fuel the identity of your clubs as you take charge of them and ultimately feel in control of the way your team behaves on and off the pitch. Tactical Vision enables you to have easier control over selecting, implementing, and then perfecting the way your team approaches their football. To begin with, you can choose from 7 different tactical real-world and authentic philosophies—from Park the Bus to Gegenpressing— in terms of how you want your team to play. The available Tactical Visions are:

  • Standard: A balanced approach to the game, focused on maintaining a shape which will help you stay strong defensively while still offering a threat going forward
  • Wing Play: Makes use of the full width of the pitch when in possession, getting the ball out to attacking players close to the touchlines quickly and using overlapping full-backs to add to the threat from those areas
  • Tiki-Taka: A possession-based style of play. Comfortable on the ball all over the pitch, your players use short passing and rotations while waiting for opportunities to play in attackers who’ve run into channels or gaps between opposition defenders.
  • Counter-Attack: Low-risk and a low block are the key to this style of play. Players defend the penalty area and then, once possession is regained, get the ball forward quickly with attackers ready to run into space behind the opponents’ defensive line.
  • Gegenpressing: This strategy is based around a high press. Your team tries to win back the ball in the opponent’s third wherever possible, using turnovers to create goal-scoring opportunities before the opposition can settle back into shape.
  • Kick & Rush: A style of play built around strength and athleticism enables your players to often bypass the midfield, getting the ball forward quickly to your powerful strikers who can exploit space behind defenders and battle for second balls and knockdowns.
  • Park the Bus: Your team bases its game around solid, uncompromising defending. You’re always disciplined and well-organised out of possession, usually employing a very low block, throttling opponents’ attacks before winning the ball and trying to get forward yourselves.

Tactical Visions start from Tactics and Player Instruction presets. Our goal was to enable player expression within each Tactical Vision, so most of the settings are quite flexible. There are, however, defining settings for each Tactical Vision that can’t be modified. For example, you can’t play Counter-Attacking football without setting your Chance Creation to Forward Runs, just like you can’t engage with Wing Play without setting your wingers to be extra wide on the pitch. If you don’t want to use any of the 7 Tactical Visions we’ve set up, you can always create a Custom set up, which is where players who change the defining setting of an existing Tactical Vision will go as well.

Any Tactical Vision can be applied to any formation we have in the game. It’s down to you as the Manager to determine what combination works best for the strengths and weaknesses of your team. Also, Tactical Vision works independently of Game Plans, so you can choose to have one vision to rule them all or assign an individual Tactical Vision to each plan (e.g. Ultra-Defensive to Park The Bus, Defensive to Counter-Attack, Balanced to Tiki-Taka.)

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