Diablo 4 Expansion Price & Cost

Unfortunately, Blizzard has not officially announced the price of the upcoming Diablo 4 expansion, Vessel of Hatred. However, there have been some leaks and speculations about the pricing based on surveys and other information:

  • Survey Leak: A leaked survey from Blizzard suggests they were considering several options for the expansion price, ranging from $49.99 to $99.99. These different tiers offered various bonus content and features alongside the expansion itself, such as new hero skins, mounts, platinum currency, and early access.
  • Speculation: Based on past Blizzard pricing for expansions and the survey leak, the most likely price range for Vessel of Hatred is somewhere between $50 and $80. However, it’s important to remember that this is just speculation and the actual price could be higher or lower.

Here’s what we know for sure:

  • There will be an expansion for Diablo 4 called Vessel of Hatred.
  • The release date for the expansion is not yet announced.
  • The price of the expansion is not yet revealed.

Tips to stay informed:

  • Follow Blizzard’s official Diablo 4 channels on social media and their website for any announcements about the expansion, including its price.
  • Keep an eye on gaming news websites and forums for any leaks or rumors about the expansion price.
  • Wait for Blizzard’s official announcement to get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the expansion price.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about Diablo 4 or its upcoming expansion.

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