D2R Elite Crossbows: Gorgon Crossbow

Gorgon Crossbow

Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate

Gorgon Crossbow

25-87 Dmg
Str Req: 117
Dex Req: 105
Item Level: 65
Clvl Req: 50
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Normal: B/D/N/P/S
Slow: Am/As

Elite Crossbows

Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate

Pellet Bow

28-73 Dmg
Str Req: 83
Dex Req: 155
Item Level: 61
Clvl Req: 42
Sockets: 1-3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Normal: Am/As/B/D/N/P/S

Gorgon Crossbow

25-87 Dmg
Str Req: 117
Dex Req: 105
Item Level: 65
Clvl Req: 50
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Normal: B/D/N/P/S
Slow: Am/As

Colossus Crossbow

32-91 Dmg
Str Req: 163
Dex Req: 77
Item Level: 70
Clvl Req: 62
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Slow: B/D/N/P/S
Very Slow: Am/As

Demon Crossbow

26-40 Dmg *
Str Req: 141
Dex Req: 98
Item Level: 76
Clvl Req: 68
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: -60
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/As/B/D/N/P/S

You can find Elite Crossbows in Acts 4-5/Nightmare and then all through Hell, though like all Elite items, they drop very rarely.

* The Demon Crossbow has nearly the same damage (14-32 Chu), the same firing speed as the Chu No Ku , but requires 61 more Str, 3 more Dex, and is Clvl 68 vs Clvl 25. This would seem to be the only Elite item that’s actually worse than the Exceptional version.

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