Enigma is a Runeword. Level Requirement: 65. Enigma is an incredibly popular and powerful Runeword due to the oskill bonus to Teleport, allowing any class that equips it to use the skill.
3 Socket Body Armor.
Rune: Jah Rune + Ith Rune + Ber Rune.
- +2 To All Skills
- +45% Faster Run/Walk
- +1 To Teleport
- +750-775 Defense (varies)
- (+0.75 Per Character Level) +0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
- Increase Maximum Life 5%
- Damage Reduced By 8%
- +14 Life After Each Kill
- 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
- (+1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)