Collect hair from the Sodden Growths 5 – Diablo 4

D4 Collect hair from the Sodden Growths

Travel into the enemy town marked on the map. Explore it and look for five giant spider web-like formations on the ground. Collect each one.

1. Sodden Growths

Collect hair from the Sodden Growths - Diablo 4

2. Sodden Growths

Collect hair from the Sodden Growths - Diablo 4

3. Sodden Growths

Collect hair from the Sodden Growths - Diablo 4

4. Sodden Growths

Collect hair from the Sodden Growths - Diablo 4

5. Sodden Growths

Collect hair from the Sodden Growths - Diablo 4

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