PoE Rogue Exiles Atlas Tree 3.25

Rogue Exiles Atlas Passive Tree

4Exile Currency ChanceNormal
  • Rogue Exiles in your Maps have 5% chance to drop an additional Currency Item
1Royal GuardNotable
  • Map Bosses have 20% chance to be accompanied by two Rogue Exile Bodyguards

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Rogue Exile Bodyguards take 50% less damage, and have additional Rewards.)

Rogue Exiles Atlas Passive Tree

4Additional Exile Spawn ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have a 25% chance to contain an additional Rogue Exile
1Rogue TraderNotable
  • Wild Rogue Exiles in your Maps have 50% chance to have additional Rewards
  • Rogue Exiles in your Maps have 100% more Life

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Wild Rogue Exiles are Rogue Exiles that are placed randomly within the Area)

Rogue Exiles Atlas Passive Tree

3Exile Pair ChanceNormal
  • 10% chance for Wild Rogue Exiles in your Maps to appear in Pairs

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Wild Rogue Exiles are Rogue Exiles that are placed randomly within the Area)
  • Your Maps have a 8% chance to contain 20 additional Rogue Exiles
1Exiled WillNotable
  • Wild Rogue Exiles in your Maps are Possessed by a Tormented Spirit

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Wild Rogue Exiles are Rogue Exiles that are placed randomly within the Area)