PoE Breach Atlas Tree 3.25

Breach Atlas Passive Tree

3Breach Monster SplintersNormal
  • 10% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps
2Breach Monster DensityNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps have 5% increased Monster density
1Breach Density and Monster SplintersNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps have 3% increased Monster density
  • 8% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps
1Otherworldly ArtefactsNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps have 20% increased Monster density
  • Breach Monsters in your Maps have 50% increased chance to drop a Breach Unique Item

Breach Atlas Passive Tree

15Breach ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have +6% chance to contain Breaches
1Power StruggleNotable
  • Breach Boss' Clasped Hands in your Maps have 4% chance to spawn a Breach Boss when opened
  • Breaches in your Maps have 100% increased chance to contain a Breach Boss' Clasped Hand
2Breach Chest SplintersNormal
  • 8% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters found in Breach Hands in your Maps
1Flash BreachNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps open and close 10% faster
1Breach Clasped Hand and SplintersNormal
  • 8% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters found in Breach Hands in your Maps
  • Breaches in your Maps contain 1 additional Clasped Hand
1Heavy BreachNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps open and close 30% slower

Breach Atlas Passive Tree

1Breach Splinters from Monsters and Clasped HandsNormal
  • 10% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters found in Breach Hands in your Maps
  • 10% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps
1Call of Xesht-UlaNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps have 1% chance to contain Xesht-Ula, the Open Hand
  • Breaches in your Maps have 15% chance to contain a Hand of Xesht-Ula

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Xesht-Ula can drop Breachstones of every Breach type)
  • (Hand of Xesht-Ula can drop Breach Splinters of every Breach type)

Breach Atlas Passive Tree

1Probing for WeaknessesNotable
  • Your Maps have +20% chance to contain Breaches
2Breach Magic Monster ChanceNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 8% increased Magic Monsters
1Evolving HivesNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 3 additional Rare Monsters
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 30% increased Magic Monsters
2Breach SpeedNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps open and close 4% faster
1Breach Magic Monsters and ChanceNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 4% increased Magic Monsters
  • Your Maps have +4% chance to contain Breaches

Breach Atlas Passive Tree

  • Breaches in your Maps have 20% increased chance to contain a Boss
  • Breach Bosses in your Maps have 20% chance to drop double Breach Splinters

Breach Atlas Passive Tree

3Breach Boss ChanceNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps have 8% increased chance to contain a Boss
1Within Their GraspNotable
  • Breach Bosses Defeated in your Maps have 4% chance to drop a Breachstone
  • Breachstones dropped by Breach Bosses in your Maps have 5% chance to be Flawless
1Eve of InvasionNotable
  • Your Maps which contain Breaches have 4% chance to contain an additional Breach
  • Your Maps which contain Breaches have 3% chance to contain two additional Breaches
  • Your Maps which contain Breaches have 2% chance to contain three additional Breaches
  • Your Maps which contain Breaches have 1% chance to contain ten additional Breaches