AAA Delivery – Lost Ark Maximize Lopang Inc. reputation

AAA Delivery

It is a Lost Ark achievement. Challenge: Maximize Lopang Inc. reputation.

Icon Name Category Rewards
AAA Delivery Adventure > Una’s Tasks 520 XP

AAA Delivery

Maximize Lopang Inc. reputation

Sion. a Pleccia-based businessman and descendant of Lynnis. is one of our biggest supporters. Even though his company. Lopang, is a for-profit organization, it provides us with relief goods every time large-scale refugee situations xcur (whether due to Demon invasion or war). offers free shipping services to the underprivileged members of society. and generally cares for the greater good, like we do. A notable adventurer like you can help solidify our collaboration with the company by joining as a member.
– Search and Rescue Leader Orlando

Maximize Lopang Inc. reputation

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