PoE Shipping Risk — Path of Exile

Ship Crew can board ships to send resources out to ports in exchange for rewards. A minimum of 100 shipment value is required to ship, with a maximum of 50,000,000. Increasing the shipment value also correlates with the risk of encountering negative outcomes during its voyage; the rank and number of Ship Crew directly buffers your risk.

PoE Shipping Risk

Negative risk outcomes

  • Our ship was seized by a pirate fleet on the way to the port. The entire shipment has been lost. Effect: Lose 100% of rewards
  • A mysterious green light surrounded the ship on its voyage home. When it passed, everything was gone. Effect: Lose 100% of rewards
  • The King decided to institute a one-time tax of three-quarters of our entire outgoing shipment! Effect: Lose 75% of rewards
  • Corrupt customs officials demanded half of our entire shipment! Effect: Lose 50% of rewards
  • A Karui raiding party waiting outside Kingsmarch demand half of our entire shipment! Effect: Lose 50% of rewards
  • A quarter of our entire shipment was somehow misplaced at port! Effect: Lose 25% of rewards
  • The crew became stuck in a calm sea and had to eat our shipment of crops! Effect: Lose 100% of crop rewards
  • A wasting disease destroyed half of our shipment of crops! Effect: Lose 50% of crop rewards

Negative outcomes regardless of risk

  • Unfortunately, a crew member was killed in a tavern brawl. Effect: Lose a random worker
  • One of our crew decided to stay at port and start a new life. Effect: Lose a random worker
  • A storm knocked a crewmember overboard on the voyage out. Effect: Lose a random worker
  • Pirates have commandeered the Ship! They will execute the Crew and steal the Shipment unless you Intervene. Effect: Rescue (Fight Admiral Valerius). Ransom (Lose 50,000 Gold, recover workers and shipment). Abandon (Lose workers and shipment)

Note that the Admiral Valerius encounter occurs in the middle of a shipping run, and defeating him will cause the shipping run to resume. This encounter can occur even if a ship has 0 risk.

How to reduce risks

Recruit higher rank workers. Recruit workers to delegate other tasks in Kingsmarch. Workers can be hired for an initial Gold cost as well as an hourly wage. Each worker can have one or more specializations, but their wage is based on their highest-paying job. For jobs of the same tier, wages increase in order with Mining being the lowest, then Smelting, Shipping, Farming, Disenchanting, and finally Mapping. The Recruitment interface accessed through Raulf, the Recruiter also allows players to reroll the current listing of hireable recruits, and your current roster of workers. Each job rank provides an approximate 30–50% more multiplier to their job’s perk (e.g. job speed) or provides additional risk reduction from the previous rank, in the case of Shipping or Mapping.


  • Reworked how shipping Thaumaturgic Dust affects Shipping Risk and Rewards. Previously, it was multiplying the shipment value and having a disproportionately high impact on risk compared to rewards. Now, it simply adds to Shipment Value and scales the amount of rewards based on the other goods being shipped. This means the way Thaumaturgic Dust affects Shipment Value/Risk now directly correlates with the amount of rewards you will receive, and in almost all cases this is a buff from before.

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