The Hateful Accuser is a unique Nameless Ring. It grants level 20 Penance Mark.
Penance Mark curses a single enemy, causing them to spawn multiple phantasms when hit. The phantasms will be allies of the marked enemy with the same monster level. They cast a projectile spell which deals physical damage, and are immune to curses and knockback. You can only have one Mark at a time.
Penance Mark is a unique mark curse skill granted by The Hateful Accuser. This skill causes hits against a marked enemy to summon hostile phantasms, which the player can kill.
Marking Effect: Targets a single enemy, causing them to spawn 3 enemy phantasms when hit, with a cooldown of 1 second.
Limitations: Shares the mark limit with other mark skills, allowing only one active mark at a time.
Penance Mark is especially useful in situations with few enemies, such as pinnacle boss encounters, where it can help maintain on-hit and on-kill effects. The summoned phantasms provide additional targets, enabling the player to sustain buffs and other effects critical for high-level content.
Penance Mark offers unique mechanics for summoning hostile phantasms, providing strategic advantages in various combat scenarios. Its scalability and interaction with on-hit and on-kill effects make it a versatile tool for Path of Exile players.
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