Double Corruption

What is Double Corruption?

Double Corruption means: Grant two random corrupted implicit modifiers.

PoE Double Corruption

The above amulet is a double corruption example. It has two corrupted implicit modifiers:

  1. (4–6)% increased Dexterity, (4–6)% increased Strength
  2. (8–10)% increased Attack Speed

Altar of Corruption: corrupt an item

  • Location: Locus of Corruption. It is an incursion room. It can be upgraded from Catalyst of Corruption, itself from Corruption Chamber.

The altar of corruption will corrupt an item similar to Vaal Orb Vaal Orb. The type of outcome depends on the item class and item level of the item being corrupted.

Corruption List

Corrupt Result Odds
Turn all sockets white 25%
Change into a random influenced rare 25%
Destroy the item 25%
Grant two random corrupted implicit modifiers 25%

Each outcome has an equal chance of occurring. It is most likely not possible to transform certain unique equipment items into their Vaal version. There are no upgraded uniques with two corrupted implicit modifiers.

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