The Crave the Slaughter Ascendancy Passive Skill no longer provides +10 to Maximum Rage or "Gain 1 rage on Hit with Attacks, no more than once every 0.3 seconds". Instead, it now provides "Every Rage also grants 1% increased Attack Speed" and "Inherent Rage Loss starts 2 seconds later". The small Passive prior now causes you to Gain 1 Rage on Melee Hit, instead of providing 6% increased Attack Speed.
The Rite of Ruin Ascendancy Passive Skill no longer provides "Inherent effects from having Rage are Tripled" or "Cannot be Stunned while you have at least 25 Rage". It now provides 50% increased Rage Effect. The small Passive prior now causes you to Gain 1 Rage on Melee Hit, instead of providing 6% increased Attack Speed.
The War Bringer Ascendancy Passive Skill no longer provides "Warcries grant 10 Rage per 5 power if you have less than 25 Rage", "Warcries Sacrifice 10 Rage if you have at least 25 Rage", or "Exerted Attacks deal 50% more Attack Damage if a Warcry Sacrificed Rage Recently". It now provides "Warcries Exert twice as many Attacks".
The small Berserker Ascendancy Passives that provide 6% increased Attack Speed now provide 5%.