PoE Strength and Dexterity 3.24

PoE Strength and Dexterity

Name Category Description
Strength and DexterityNormal

    Ascendancy Name: Ascendant

  • +20 to Strength and Dexterity

Passive Skills in the Same Group

Passive PointNormal

    Ascendancy Name: Ascendant

  • Grants 1 Passive Skill Point
Passive PointNormal

    Ascendancy Name: Ascendant

  • Grants 1 Passive Skill Point
Strength and DexterityNormal

    Ascendancy Name: Ascendant

  • +20 to Strength and Dexterity
Path of the DuelistNotable

    Ascendancy Name: Ascendant

  • Can Allocate Passives from the Duelist's starting point
  • Grants 2 Passive Skill Points

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