Abbey of Hallowed Sisters – Lords of the Fallen(LotF)
Abbey of Hallowed Sisters
Abbey of Hallowed Sisters: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.
The player could get in and out of the game at the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters and get a bit stuck. Also, it could get floaty and have collision issues due to collisions, so blocking volumes were added to improve and block.
In Abbey of the Hallowed Sister, there was a corpse with the wrong collision. The collision has been removed and placed manually with structure detail so it doesn’t block the pick-up.
Level Design
Abbey of Hallowed Sisters: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.
Empyrean: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.
Lower Calrath: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.
Bramis Castle: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.
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