Hunting Monsters to recover Karma – Flyff Universe

Type Repeat
Description Hunting $QUEST_END_KILL_NAME$ will recover your Karma points.
Parent P.K
Repeatable Yes
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes
Begin NPC Heron
End NPC Heron
Level 87 – 91
End Kill Monsters
40x Criminal Watangka (Lvl. 87)
=0 Karma

Flyff Universe Penya, Accounts, Boosting


Dialogs Begin
Your Karma can be redeemed. Are you ready to pay for your sins?
Dialogs Accept
Dialogs Decline
You have yet to pay for your sins…
Dialogs Complete
Your quest has been accomplished. Your sins have been forgiven.
Dialogs Fail
If you are truly unwilling to fight for forgiveness, then there is no hope for you.

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