Hall of Grandmasters Promenade Map - Path of Exile

Hall of Grandmasters Promenade Map

Hall of Grandmasters

Hall of Grandmasters is a unique Promenade Map. Maps. Map Tier: 12, 15, 16, 16, 16. Guild Tag Editor: ;.

  • Contains the Immortalised Grandmasters
    PvP damage scaling in effect

Flavour Text: The grandest and greatest ever to fight, Divine the champions stand tall. But match their power, best their might, And even the immortal may fall.

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Hall of Grandmasters is not part of the Atlas of Worlds. There is no bonus objective for this map.


Instead of containing randomly spawned monsters as in most other maps, the Hall of Grandmasters includes other exiles based on characters of players who purchased a Grandmaster supporter pack.

The map consists of a foyer with several large doorways. Between each door is a hall of 50 grandmasters, separated by forcefields so you fight waves of 5 at a time. Currently there are 4 halls (Hall of the Heroes, Hall of the Eternal, Hall of the Fallen, and Hall of the Twisted), making 200 Grandmasters or 40 waves in the map. The waves are randomly organised by approximate difficulty and get progressively harder.

At the end of each hall there is a unique Strongbox called Grandmaster's Cache that does not spawn monsters when opened.

According to the development plan, "Grandmasters using Vaal Skills will gain one Vaal Soul per skill every five seconds. It's currently possible to encounter Tormented Spirits in the map. You will not encounter Strongboxes (other than those at the end of each hall) or Rogue Exiles." However currently Grandmasters generate 2 Vaal souls every second.

See here for a list of Grandmasters.


Some of the Grandmasters have combinations of legacy gear and very heavy defences, making them hard to kill for a lot of builds. In general these can be categorized by high recovery (life regen, ES regen), high avoidance mechanics (Block, Dodge, Evasion), high damage reduction (reduced elemental damage taken, reduced physical damage taken) and Immunities (Chaos Innoculation, Gluttony of Elements, legacy Immortal Call).

Dealing with avoidance mechanics: Block Chance Reduction Support is a must for hit based builds. If you cannot replace one of your links then you can link a fast hitting attack/spell with it to quickly reduce Grandmasters defences. A suggestion is | Holy Flame Totem - Multiple Totems - Faster Casting - Block Chance Reduction | which will reduce Grandmasters block chance to zero in about a second.

Dealing with recovery: Frost Bomb solves most recovery problems and is currently the easiest way to deal with this.

Dealing with damage reduction: Some Grandmasters have very high physical reduction, if you struggle with this consider converting some of your damage to elemental. As with players, reducing (not recommended due to overcapped resistances) and penetrations is a massive increase to the damage taken.

Dealing with Immunities: Chaos skills is NOT RECOMMENDED as there are several characters with Chaos Innoculation which makes completion impossible. All other forms of immunities, including legacy Immortal Call is time based or can be solved by converting damage or dealing a mix of elemental and physical damage.

(!)Minions: Due to the way PvP damage scaling works, minions such as Spectres and Animate Guardian are extremely vulnerable in this map. They can be instantly killed by some grandmasters even with 50000+ Life and multiple defensive links such as Minion Life Support, Meat Shield Support, and Elemental Army support. It is heavily recommended to deactivate your Animate Guardian so you do not lose any expensive items equipped to it.

Item acquisition

Hall of Grandmasters can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.


Hall of Grandmasters can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
8 The Encroaching Darkness Random corrupted map
1 Otherworldly Incubator Random map
4 Jack in the Box Random item
1 Singular Incubator Random item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange

Items found in this area

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

Item Drop
Monochrome 80
The Immortal 35