FFXIV Old Sharlayan, New to You

Old Sharlayan, New to You is a FFXIV Endwalker main scenario quest. Krile sweeps the Scions with a speculative look. — In-game description.

Old Sharlayan, New to You

Level Guide Objectives
  • Quest giver: Krile
  • Location: Old Sharlayan (X:12.2, Y:14.1)
  • Experience:  448,800
  • Gil:  1,375
  • Guaranteed: Horse Chestnut Chest Gear Coffer
  • Previous quest: The Next Ship to Sail
  • Next quest: Hitting the Books
    For Thavnair Bound
  1. Speak with G’raha Tia.
  2. Speak with Krile while accompanied by G’raha Tia.
  3. Head to the Last Stand while accompanied by G’raha Tia and Krile, and speak with Krile at the designated location.
  4. Head to the aetheryte plaza while accompanied by G’raha Tia and Krile, and speak with Krile at the designated location.
  5. Head to the Agora while accompanied by G’raha Tia and Krile, and speak with Krile at the designated location.
  6. Head to the Rostra while accompanied by G’raha Tia and Krile, and speak with Krile at the designated location.
  7. Head to Journey’s End while accompanied by G’raha Tia and Krile, and speak with Krile at the designated location.
  8. Head to the Baldesion Annex while accompanied by G’raha Tia and Krile, and speak with Krile at the designated location.
  9. Speak with Krile in the main hall.

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