Earful – FFXIV 6.1 Fish


A king among longear sunfish, and lord of the waters of Meghaduta.
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Icon Name Level
Earful iLv. 570 Seafood

Fish Guide

Capable of extending and flattening its earlike fins at amazing speed, this peculiar creature at times resembles a child throwing their hands over their ears in petulance. In turn, the children of Thavnair are careful not to cover their ears when being scolded by their elders, lest they be forced to endure a wholly different earful come dinner.


Sells to vendors for Gil: 119.

FFXIV Earful

How to get?

Lv. 82 Meghaduta, location: Radz-at-Han.

How to get Earful

Buy FFXIV Gil Cheap

How to unlock?

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore – Ilsabard and the Northern Empty.

Tales gathered from northern fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore

List of FFXIV 6.1 Fish

Icon Name Level
Aetherolectric Guitarfish iLv. 570 Seafood
Jumbo Snook iLv. 570 Seafood
Earful iLv. 570 Seafood
Hippo Frog iLv. 570 Seafood
Rimepike iLv. 570 Seafood
Foun Ahlm iLv. 570 Seafood
Forbiddingway iLv. 570 Seafood
Thavnairian Calamari iLv. 570 Seafood

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