PoE Fallen from Grace Quest Location & Rewards

The "Fallen From Grace" quest in Path of Exile is a short but important quest you encounter during Act 6. Here's a breakdown of the quest and its rewards:

Fallen from Grace Quest Guide

Quest Location  The Twilight Strand (Act 6)
Start  Talk to Lilly Roth(location: Lioneye’s Watch, Act 6)
Objective  Clear the Twilight Strand of undead
Completion  You have cleared the Twilight Strand. Talk to Lilly for a reward.

Quest location

The Twilight Strand is an optional area in Act 6. This area does not have a waypoint and is connected to Lioneye’s Watch.

Fallen from Grace location

Quest Objective: Clearing the Twilight Strand

  • You'll receive the quest from Lilly Roth, located in Lioneye's Watch.
  • The objective is to clear all the undead from the Twilight Strand area. This area is accessible through the Waygate located west of the Crossroads in Act 6.

Completing the Quest

  • Travel to the Twilight Strand using the Waygate.
  • Engage in combat and defeat all the undead monsters throughout the area. There's no specific number required, just ensure there are no more hostile undead remaining.

Returning to Lilly

  • Once you've cleared the area of undead, return to Lilly Roth in Lioneye's Watch.
  • Speak to her, and she'll acknowledge your success and reward you for completing the quest.

Quest Rewards:

  • Two Passive Skill Respec Points: This is the primary reward for completing the quest. These points allow you to respec your passive skill tree, offering flexibility in customizing your character's development.
  • Unlocking Lilly Roth as a Vendor: Completing this quest unlocks Lilly Roth as a permanent vendor within your Hideout. This grants you access to her gem shop, where you can purchase and sell various skill gems. In later stages, you can also turn in Divination Cards to her for additional rewards.

Additional Notes:

  • "Fallen From Grace" is a relatively easy quest that can be completed at the recommended level for Act 6.
  • The undead enemies in the Twilight Strand pose a moderate challenge, so be prepared for some combat.
  • The two passive skill respec points and access to Lilly Roth's services are valuable rewards that enhance your character customization and progression.

By completing this quest, you contribute to the overall storyline and gain valuable resources for character development in Path of Exile.

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The Twilight Strand undead monsters

1. Rhys of Abram (unique Noble Dead)

Rhys of Abram is a unique zombie found in the Twilight Strand in Act 6. Like most zombies, Rhys moves slowly and attacks with unarmed strikes. Dark spirits intermittently leap from Rhys, dealing physical damage in a small area of effect where they land. When Rhys is slain, several of these dark spirits leap from his corpse all at once, covering a wide area.

Rhys of Abram

2. Noble Dead

Noble Dead is a zombie found in Act 6. Like most zombies, Noble Dead moves slowly and attacks with unarmed strikes. When Noble Dead is slain, a dark spirit leaps from its corpse and deals physical damage in a small area of effect where it lands.

Noble Dead

Quest Rewards

Quest Complete – You have cleared the Twilight Strand. Talk to Lilly for a reward.

  • Book of Regrets: grants two Passive Respec Points

Fallen from Grace Reward

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