Diablo 4 Smoke Signals

D4 Smoke Signals

key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
NameSmoke Signals
ToastInvestigate the seer's visions of Kealer Farm to uncover the source of Corbach's famine.
Phase11DescriptionA seer in Corbach believes there is a survivor at the goatman raid on Kealer Farm who might know something worthwhile regarding the source of the local famine. I should go there and learn what I can.
Callback13HeaderInvestigate Kealer Farm
Phase22DescriptionWith his dying breath, Farmer Kealer mentioned the "tunnels" and something about Chieftain Eiruig destroying wardstones. I should return to the seer in Corbach to share what I have learned.
Callback21HeaderSpeak with Baewyn in Corbach
Phase46DescriptionI came across a wounded farmer at Kealer Farm. The seer believes he might know something worthwhile regarding the source of the local famine.
Callback48HeaderSpeak with Farmer Kealer
Phase68DescriptionThe seer finished reading the goatman entrails I gathered for her. I should ask her if they revealed anything regarding the famine in Corbach.
Callback67HeaderSpeak with Baewyn the Seer

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