Diablo 4 Left in Ashes

D4 Left in Ashes

Reward: Spirit of Éadaoin
key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
LevelAreaThe Dead Barks Wilderness
NameLeft in Ashes
ToastScholar Yuein seeks the spirit of his late apprentice.
Callback126HeaderSlay Éadaoin's Spirit
Phase127DescriptionÉadaoin's spirit has been banished and put to rest. I should return to Túr Dúlra and tell Yuein my findings.
Callback129HeaderReturn to Scholar Yuein
Phase114DescriptionScholar Yuein's previous apprentice died during the Astaroth attacks. He has sensed her spirit in the Deepwood, unable to pass on. He wishes for me to find her.
Callback116HeaderSearch for Éadaoin's spirit
Phase144DescriptionI found the spot where Éadaoin perished. Investigating the remains may reveal what befell the young druid.
Callback143HeaderInvestigate Éadaoin's remains

key name
NameLeft in Ashes
Callback14HeaderSlay Éadaoin's Spirit
Phase35DescriptionKill the Druid Ghost

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