Demigod's Authority Golden Blade - Path of Exile

Demigod's Authority Golden Blade

Demigod's Authority

Demigod's Authority is a unique Golden Blade. One Hand Swords. Physical Damage: 3-23. Critical Strike Chance: 5%. Attacks per Second: 1.1. Weapon Range: 11.

Requires 8 Str, 8 Dex.

  • +(16–24) to all Attributes

  • 30% increased Rarity of Items found
  • You and Nearby Allies have 30% increased Item Rarity
  • 5% increased Character Size

Flavour Text: Stories of heroism by the victor persist, for no one survives to contest them.

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5% increased Character Size. The item is one of the few source of #% increased Character Size mod. They are additive to each other such as dual wielding Demigod's Authority.

Item acquisition

Demigod's Authority is drop disabled.

Demigod's Authority is a prize item awarded to the top 5 players of each Ascendancy class for the December 2020 events: Mayhem, Endless Delve and Heist Flashback, as well as December 2021 events: Class Gauntlet, Endless Delve, Endless Heist, Atlas Invasion and Delirium Everywhere. Each Demigod's Authority will display the class rank and the event that the item is won from.

New 3D art and an awesome visual effect

Demigod's Authority 3D Art

The sword's art and aura visual effect also be transferred to other one-handed swords via a skin transfer!