PoE Assemble a Harbinger unique item

Transform Items: Assemble a Harbinger unique item

When players defeat the map bosses of The Beachhead The Beachhead, one of the following pieces may drop. Combining these pieces can forge exclusive unique items.

Note: place the pieces in correct order in inventory or stash to Assemble a new unique item.

Outcome Unique Item Harbinger Pieces
The Flow Untethered The Flow Untethered 1 x First Piece of Time(Search)
1 x Second Piece of Time(Search)
The Enmity Divine The Enmity Divine 1 x First Piece of Brutality(Search)
1 x Second Piece of Brutality(Search)
1 x Third Piece of Brutality(Search)
The Fracturing Spinner The Fracturing Spinner 1 x First Piece of Directions(Search)
1 x Second Piece of Directions(Search)
1 x Third Piece of Directions(Search)
The Unshattered Will The Unshattered Will 1 x First Piece of Focus(Search)
1 x Second Piece of Focus(Search)
1 x Third Piece of Focus(Search)
1 x Fourth Piece of Focus(Search)
The Tempest’s Binding The Tempest’s Binding 1 x First Piece of Storms(Search)
1 x Second Piece of Storms(Search)
1 x Third Piece of Storms(Search)
The Rippling Thoughts The Rippling Thoughts 1 x First Piece of the Arcane(Search)
1 x Second Piece of the Arcane(Search)
1 x Third Piece of the Arcane(Search)

Assemble a Harbinger unique item

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In Path of Exile (POE), assembling a Harbinger unique item involves collecting multiple fragments and combining them in a specific order. Here's what you need to do:

Finding the Fragments:

  • Harbinger Encounters: Defeat Harbingers, the unique enemy type that spawns waves of minions. These encounters can occur in various ways:

    • Atlas Passive Skill: Allocate the "Ominous Arrival" passive point on the Atlas skill tree. This grants a chance for Harbingers to spawn in maps.
    • Harbinger Scarabs: Use these scarabs on your maps to guarantee a Harbinger encounter.
    • Kirac's Atlas Missions: Sometimes, Kirac offers missions that involve defeating Harbingers.
    • Harbinger Nodes (Delve): In the Azurite Mine (Delve), specific nodes can spawn Harbingers.
  • Fragment Drops: Harbingers have a chance to drop fragments of a Harbinger unique item upon defeat. These fragments typically have the name of the unique item in their description, along with an indication of which piece they represent (e.g., "Fragment of The Enmity Divine").

Identifying the Unique:

  • Fragment Text: The fragment description usually mentions the name of the complete Harbinger unique item.
  • Community Resources: If unsure about the complete unique, consult online resources like the Path of Exile Wiki or community forums. These often provide information on Harbinger unique fragments and the corresponding assembled item.

Assembling the Unique:

  • Inventory Management: Move the Harbinger fragments to your inventory for easy access.
  • Trial and Error (or Guide): There's no in-game indicator for the exact combination order. Experiment by placing the fragments together in your inventory. Alternatively, you can find a guide online that specifies the correct order for the specific unique you're assembling.

Here's a tip to avoid frustration: some players recommend taking a screenshot of your inventory once you have the correct arrangement before accidentally moving the fragments.


  • Visual Confirmation: Once you've arranged the fragments in the correct order, the individual pieces will visually connect, forming a single image representing the complete Harbinger unique item.
  • Right-Click to Combine: With the fragments arranged correctly, you can right-click on any of them to combine them into the complete unique item.

Additional Notes:

  • Not All Uniques Require Assembly: Some Harbinger uniques drop as whole items and don't require fragment assembly.
  • Trading: You can trade Harbinger fragments or complete unique items with other players if you don't want to assemble them yourself.

By following these steps and utilizing available resources, you can successfully assemble Harbinger unique items in Path of Exile.

Complete Harbinger Encounters

Complete each of the following Harbinger encounters.

Path of Exile Guides & Tips